Can You Take CBD Before Getting A Tattoo?


Pre-Tattoo Appointment

When it comes to tattooing, CBD can actually be quite useful. Instead of pounding alcohol to calm one’s nerves prior to a tattoo session (which is highly frowned upon these days), a dropper full of CBD oil can help ease the process without any of the side effects of mind-altering substances. Take the oil about 1 -2 hours prior so that it has ample time to get into your system.

Taking a CBD product just prior to the session beginning will allow your body to become acclimated to the feeling of the tattoo as the CBD begins to enter your system and kick in.  This will help ease your nerves going into it.

Of course, it is suggested to try the product at home prior to your tattoo appointment to ensure you do not have any negative reactions to the product during the tattoo process.

CBD is also considered an anti-inflammatory, which will help tone down any inflammation that takes place during the tattooing process. According to research, CBD also interacts with pain receptors in the brain which can create a pain-relieving experience for many users.

Whether you are looking to ease your mind or your body prior to a tattoo appointment, take a good look at CBD-infused products prior to your scheduled date. With anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties in addition to stress relief and calming effects, CBD is an all-natural, safe, and legal route to getting ready for your next tattoo appointment.


To help keep the skin lubricated and to keep the inflammation at bay after receiving your tattoo, considering applying a CBD-rich salve such as Prevail’s SALVation. The full spectrum CBD will not only keep the inflammation down and expedite healing, but the other essential oils and botanicals in the salve will give you a soothing and calm effect.

Apply the salve every couple of hours directly on the tattoo area very gently, and add more as needed if you see any additional swelling or redness.

After the first day, continue to apply directly on the tattoo area at least once per day. There is no possible way to apply too much, and there’s been no reported side effects.

If you’ve had a positive experience in using CBD products either before or after the tattooing process, please drop a comment below. We’d love to hear from you!

To purchase either a high-quality CBD oil or salve for your tattoo recovery, go HERE.