The Prevail Community Shares Their Favorite Parts Of Quarantine Life During The Coronavirus


What a time we are all living through.

With a global pandemic that many of us have never experienced before has come fear, uncertainty, devastating economic impact, and so much more.

But is there a silver lining in the dark clouds OF COVID?

We asked over 100 people in our Prevail community what their favorite parts of “quarantine life” were.

We were deeply touched by many of the answers that we received.

Our community shared with us that this exercise alone—essentially pausing to try to see the good in the situation was helpful for them to take a minute to ponder.

Here is a compilation of their responses:

“Going to the grocery store way less.”

“Being outside more. It’s my happy place right now.”

“Deeper connections with my family.”

“Having time to organize and clean up.”

“Baking cookies.”

“Less rushing. I used to always be rushing somewhere.”

“Just—quiet time.”

“Having time to read.”

“More time to run.” (One of our Prevail ambassadors Jesse Ellis has been running 10 miles per day for almost 30 days straight—that’s 300 miles in a month! Props Jesse!)

“Seeing less traffic on the roads.”

“Being able to grow my beard out and not have my job give me shit for it.”

“Working from home!”

“SLOWING down.”

“Wearing pajamas. Night pajamas, day pajamas.”

“Time to really, really consider how to make a career change.”

“Finding new hobbies.”

“Cleaner air outside.”

“Spending more time with my cat.”

“Seeing my husband more.”

“Zoom meetings and seeing my colleagues but not having to be in the office.”

“Learning to Hula Hoop.”

“Being forced to clean up and find things that were hidden.”

“Watching movies—-so many movies.”

“Playing with my dog.”

“Seeing the planet slowly heal itself.”

“Sleeping in!”

“Communicating more with my teenage daughter.”

“Having time to study and learn new things.”

“Having the time to call friends and see how they are doing.”

“Arts and crafts.”

“Walks around the block with my partner and time to talk.”

What are your favorite parts about quarantine life that have actually been a blessing in disguise?

We’d love to hear from you in the comments.

Be safe, healthy, and happy out there.